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Writer's pictureSanaz Rastgoo

The importance of Mother Language education for the second generation Iranian children

In today's world, with the growth and development of technology, many people are commuting and travelling to different parts of the world. Others decide to live in different countries and immigrate. But in the meantime, leaving the motherland brings worries and concerns for everyone. In addition to the hardships of travel and immigration, many parents worry about the growth and development of their children. Cultural difference and new environment creates a big challenge for immigrant families. Therefore, many parents try to teach their mother language and keep their culture during their children's growth. If you, as a parent, are always looking for the best way to keep your culture alive, join us in this conversation to examine the problems of teaching children's mother language outside of Iran.

The importance of teaching the mother language to second generation children

Mother language and its daily use is the best and most complete means of expressing feelings, emotions and thoughts. In fact, the common language is considered the first means of communication. However, the way of expressing feelings, emotions and thoughts is different in different languages, and people who do not have a common language, experience weakness and difficulty in establishing this verbal communication. Children also start to learn and understand their mother language in the early years of their lives. Now, if they don't master it over time, they will forget their mother's common language and culture. Communicating in these situations is much more difficult for children who were born outside of Iran and speak a language other than Persian on a daily basis.

On the other hand, not teaching a language completely and mastering it at the beginning of childhood makes a person never able to master that language in the future. Now, when the child has a language different from the first language of his parents, he or she will have a challenge in communicating accurately with them.

The relationship between the mother language and the second language

One of the concerns among immigrant parents is the interference and negative impact of the mother language on the child's second language learning. In this way, teaching the mother language as the first language or even the complementary language next to the dominant language of the environment, makes the child not learn the second language well or becomes weaker in it. Also, the speed of learning the dominant language of the environment will be longer and it will make the child unable to communicate with the environment and children of the same age.

It should be said that since mother language education is very important for immigrant children and the issue of immigration has become a widespread issue, many researches have been conducted in this field at the global level. The result of this research shows that perhaps teaching the mother language as the first language may initially delay the child in learning the second language or the dominant language of the environment, but it will have a 100% positive effect later on.

Mastering the mother language completes the child's ability to understand and express meaning and makes her mind more ready to learn a second language. At the same time, it expands its vocabulary and trains the child's ability to remember words and phrases. After mastering the mother language, the child is ready to look for the right tools for complex concepts and analysis appropriate to his level in the new language, store them in the right categories, and activate them quickly when needed.

How to teach mother language to the second generation children

After understanding the importance of learning the mother language, the next important issue is the forgetting of the mother language in the school age. At the same time as the academic education of the second language begins in school, it often happens that the child gradually forgets her native language. This creates trouble for the child to communicate with the parents. Especially when the parents are not fluent in the dominant language of the environment.

In this situation, the proper teaching of the mother language can help the child significantly. Of course, another advantage of such education is raising a multilingual child, which will be considered an educational advantage. But unfortunately parents may face the serious problem of lack of time to teach their children and the fact that they do not have the necessary expertise to teach their children. In these cases, a proper educational tool could be a solution. The services provided by Darsoon online training is a great example, where it conducts online language training classes and other training based on scientific and up-to-date principles.


As mentioned, mother language education has and will have many benefits for second generation children. Children of Iranian immigrants, by learning their mother language, will find a strong linguistic foundation and will be able to establish a stronger emotional connection with their Persian-speaking parents and relatives. In addition, the Persian language is part of the culture of these children's motherland. Darsoon is a professional platform that will greatly help Iranian immigrant parents in teaching Persian to their children through online teaching in a happy and fun environment.

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